Ritu started investing in online trading market during lockdown.

Ritu  is very busy these days. A 31-year-old woman working in the field of public relations, she has renewed interest in the online trading market, for which she continues to work.

Another interesting trend is that young people are coming forward in online trading.
Capital Sands Company says that among investors aged 20 to 30, there has been a 69 percent increase, compared to 50-55 percent before the corona virus.

On the other hand, the average age of customers of the online broking platform Market 24×365 has been 29 years between April and August this year. Earlier this age used to be 31 years on average.

50% of the investors in the Market 24×365 plaform are youth. Says Arun Kumar Saini, “Mobile trading has increased in the last few months, when young people have entered the stock market. For the first time we are seeing such a generation, which is giving more time to understand the ways of doing market work rather than following trading tips.”

According to Market 24×365, a subsidiary of HND Ventures, the average age of 18 to 35 years on its platform has grown to 81% of investors, up from 74% before the Corona virus epidemic.

Arun Saini, co-founder and CEO of HND Ventures told to Media, “Women prefer investing more than trading. For a long time, women have been investing their money in gold or they keep the money in cash, fixed deposits and tax-saving mutual funds. However, lockdown and work from home have given them the opportunity to invest in the online trading market.


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