COVID-19 vaccination for all begins on May 1 — here is all you need to know

By Administrator_India

Capital Sands

The central government on April 19 announced that all Indians aged above 18 years will be eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine from May 1, 2021.

To make the COVID-19 vaccination drive smoother, the government will make pricing, procurement, eligibility, and administration of the vaccines flexible in the third phase.

Here are all the key details you need to know:

As all persons aged above 18 years will be eligible to get vaccinated, coronavirus vaccine makers have been incentivised to further scale up their production, as well as attract new national and international players.

Vaccine manufacturers can release up to 50 percent of their supply to state governments and in the open market at a pre-declared price.

States can now directly procure additional vaccine doses from the manufacturers and open up vaccination for any person aged above 18 years.

Meanwhile, the Government of India’s vaccination drive will continue as before, providing free vaccination to all essential and priority populations.

At present, only people aged above 45 years are eligible to get inoculated in India. The COVID-19 vaccination drive in the country began on January 16, 2021, and in the past 92 days, over 12 crore people have got vaccinated.



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