By Administrator_India Capital Sands Equity benchmark indices on Wednesday (March 25) closed in the green amid expectations of fiscal measures being announced by the government. The Sensex was up 1,861.75 points or 6.98% at 28535.78, while the broader Nifty ended…
By Administrator_India Capital Sands India ordered a 21-day lockdown of its 1.3 billion people on Tuesday to try to protect the world’s second most populous country from the coronavirus spreading around the world. Health researchers have warned that more than…
By Administrator_India Capital Sands The euro zone is sinking into the biggest economic crisis in its history as measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic bring much of the business world to a standstill. IHS Markit’s measure of private-sector activity plunged…
कोरोना वायरस के खतरे को देखते हुए ज्यादातर लोग घर से काम कर रहे हैं. लेकिन, कई ऐसे भी लोग हैं, जिनकी कमाई फिलहाल बंद हो गई है | बिजनेसमैन से लेकर नौकरीपेशा तक परेशान है. ऐसे लोगों के लिए…
By Administrator_India Capital Sands Asian stocks rallied on Tuesday as the U.S. Federal Reserve’s sweeping pledge to spend whatever it took to stabilise the financial system eased debt market pressures, even if it could not offset the immediate economic hit…
By Administrator_India Capital Sands New Delhi will be under lockdown until March 31, the Indian capital’s government announced on Sunday, seeking to keep citizens indoors to prevent the spread of coronavirus and giving police powers to punish violators. The city’s…
By Administrator_India, Capital Sands The world’s richest nations poured unprecedented aid into the global economy on Thursday as coronavirus cases ballooned in the new epicentre Europe, with the number of deaths in Italy outstripping those in mainland China, where the…
By Ritu, Capital Sands The RBI has reportedly given Yes Bank credit support of Rs 60,000 crore as the troubled private lender resumed full operation on March 18. The line of credit was provided to ensure that Yes Bank is able…
By Administrator_India, Capital Sands Asian stocks struggled to find their footing in volatile trade on Thursday, as the latest promise of stimulus from the European Central Bank propped up sentiment while the world struggles to contain the coronavirus pandemic. U.S….
By Ritu, Capital Sands The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is facing its strongest headwinds in decades as it prepares to brief national committees on Wednesday on the state of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics amid the coronavirus pandemic, with voices of…