Discovery of a Vast Underground Ocean: Hidden Water Reserves Beneath Earth’s Surface

Discovery of a Hidden Underground Ocean

Scientists have discovered a vast underground ocean located about 400 miles beneath the Earth’s surface. This enormous water reservoir is stored within a mineral called “ringwoodite,” found deep in the Earth’s mantle.

A Unique State of Water

The water in this underground ocean exists in a unique state, held within the sponge-like crystal structure of ringwoodite. Unlike the traditional states of matter—solid, liquid, and gas—this water is in a fourth, unconventional state. Ringwoodite’s special structure enables it to attract hydrogen and effectively trap water.

Impact on Understanding Earth’s Water Cycle

Geophysicist Steve Jacobsen, a member of the research team, highlighted the significance of this discovery for understanding Earth’s water cycle. He pointed out that this deep reservoir of water could help explain the large amounts of liquid water present on Earth’s surface. For decades, scientists have been searching for this elusive deep-sea water.

Enormous Volume of Water

The discovery suggests that even if ringwoodite contains just 1% water, it could mean there is three times more water beneath the Earth’s surface than in all of the oceans combined. This finding provides new insights into Earth’s geology and its hidden water resources.

Other Significant Discoveries

In related research, scientists have also discovered a new ecosystem by using underwater robots to study volcanic crust. This further expands our understanding of Earth’s complex and largely unexplored environments.


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